Scientists say that we only use 10% of our brains, says Ins Dan.What if we only use 10% of our salary?What if we sleep only 8% a day or 10% out of 80 minutes?The answer to all these questions is a passionate NO!So why do we try to use only 10% of our brain?Look at your life Are you living your life On your own terms?
Are you happy with what you have created or do you think it can be improved?Chances are you're only living up to 10% of your potential.What if you could make your life 100, 500 or 1000% better?I can hear you now saying ... "It's impossible" or "It's hard to do." If you say so, you are repeating the same style in your life,
which means if you are happy to use only 10% brain, then stop reading now.If you are not satisfied and want to use the rest of it, read on.Think of the greatness you can achieve by using your whole mind.There have been many great brain teachers, such as Napoleon Hill, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Maxwell Waltz and many others.These people knew how to use the power of your brain and tap into it.I am here to tell you that at the moment you have the most powerful tool in the universe; your biggest brain.If you use it correctly, it has all the answers.
It can lead you to a life of harmony, wealth, health, happiness and success!This is possible with all aspect of your life.You have never been taught how to use your brain.The past is over and today may be a new beginning.It doesn't matter what happened before today, it doesn't matter what happens today.
You need to believe in your subconscious mind and know that it can lead to a happy and successful life.Before you go to bed at night, tell me what time you want to get up.We say you want to get up at 7 in the morning.Before you go to bed, say to your subconscious mind, "Wake me up at 7 o'clock in the morning" and imagine a clock that says 7:00.
The first step in changing your life is to start impressing your unconscious mind.You can do this by thinking of certain ideas along with confirmations.For example, let's say you want to make money in your life.You can only repeat the words I am wealth and success.It is better to say in the morning when you wake up.This happens when your brain is in the alpha state.
At their word, make sure you really understand what they mean and pay attention to the words.Don't feel that this is a small thing, otherwise it will not do you any good.Make sure the affirmations are positive and not negative.For example, if you want to quit smoking, don't say "I don't smoke".
Instead, say, "My lungs are clean and healthy, and I'm smoke-free." "I am" is one of the most powerful words in English.Also, it's important to think positive, don't say to yourself, "I'm never lucky" or "I just mean to be poor." Instead, think, "I'm lucky" or "Things always work out forWhen you find it hard to believe in yourself at their behest, then change them and become more confident.
You can start small or say, 'I'm getting rich.' "If you need help with a problem or are in a situation where you have to make a tough decision and you don't know which is best for you.We say you're considering two separate job offers and you're having a hard time deciding between the two.
You could say something like the infinite wisdom of my unconscious mind, I ask you to help me decide between these two job offers, I ask for your help and.Close your eyes when needed and don't force anything to come to you but just keep quiet and listen.It may be looking for an answer and it may take some time.
But, I assure you, the answer will come… .. next day or next week