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What is Affiliate Marketing and How Does it Work?

 What is affiliate marketing? How it works? And how can you actually use it to make money online? (Encouraging Music) (Encouraging Music) (Encouraging Music) (Encouraging Music) (Exciting Music) If you look at your feedback after you have decided to make a series, a constant question that we have been getting again and again. How can I use affiliate marketing? How it works? How can I integrate it with social media and Facebook and YouTube? And I really want to earn part time income? How can I use it? Convert it to full-time income? Now, in order to put together all these questions, the questions you are asking, I have decided to go deeper into this whole series, this is the beginning of this whole series. 

We're going to cover the ground, get the right foundation, the right basics, and you watch until the last minute, and in fact, if you watch the whole series, you'll see exactly what I did. The Mistakes That I've Made You Don't Have To Make Mistakes And why, by understanding these strategies, they will literally shrink and avoid all the mistakes that most people make.  my name is Anwaar ali , I have been doing affiliate marketing for almost 15 years. In fact, the first time I developed it was someone else's product, which we'll talk about, which is basically affiliate marketing, in the computer game space, in the gaming space, literally. It was the first market I visited. Was in the world of concerts. So I want to start by showing you, why is this important?  

Why affiliate marketing is an important part of what you want to incorporate as part of what you're doing right now, whether you're brand new to it, whether you're trying to learn things online, or However, if you are not an experienced marketer, why would you be able to understand these concepts here today? It will be an absolute game changer. So let's start with affiliate marketing and why should you care? So let's start with that. Now when it comes to affiliate marketing, that's it. This is always the biggest problem people have in the online world. It is in the creation of the product. They say things like, "Well, I think to make money online," I need to sell something online. But I don't know how to make the product. I'm not an expert. I don't understand manufacturing, and the shipbuilding symbol and its completion, and "customer support." I don't want to deal with all of them. Now what if affiliate marketing eliminates all these issues? Now, why affiliate marketing? Why? You don't have to deal with product creation, you don't have to deal with completion, you have to deal with customers. 

And if you only pay by referring people who buy other products? There may be a physical product, there may be a digital product, there may be a service, there may be software, in this whole series, we They are also making plans, which means that it will not be just a theory because reality is a theory. It doesn't matter to you, but the study of real cases, real numbers. In fact, what you are seeing here is literally. Promoting software that I didn't write or code. You'll find out how I've become a top affiliate for selling physical products, digital products. So let's get straight to the point. Dip kay and then we're going to talk about how you can use it once you get some ideas. But let's get started with the foundation. 

Do it right So going into my laptop right now, what I'm seeing in front of me is Amazon Associates. So you may know, but Amazon is the world's largest retailer of physical products. And here on Amazon, you can see that they've got a lot of variety, right? Digital fashion, shoes, jewelry, health and beauty, home kitchens. And you'll see that every time you refer to people who buy goods on your platform, they have a different percentage. So it depends on the category, so for example, things like groceries and fresh produce, percent less. Why? Because it's an easy sale for Amazon. Now, they change percentages from time to time. But it's easy to sell, so like groceries, where they know the chances are high, especially when everyone is stuck at home, the percentage is lower. 

Why? Because it's easier for them to move that kind of product. However, you will find that you will find products like this at 10% premium beauty. So this is a kind of limitation. On average, this is about 5%. And you'll find that physical products get lower commissions than digital products. So I'm going to walk you through a few different platforms and then you'll like how you can use it as part of your business model. Or if you are new to it, how can you get started in the world of affiliate marketing? Now it's Amazon Prime

Amazon Associates. The next platform is the clinic. Click Bank is now a digital marketplace where you can promote virtually any type of digital product. So what are digital products? Today they have some physical products but Click Bank specializes mainly in digital. So what is digital? There are digital unusable products, things like ebooks, videos, membership sites, where they will pay you a commission whenever you refer people to buy goods on the platform. So in different categories, you will see that whatever market you want to go to, whether it is arts, gambling, business, computer, cooking, sports, green products, health and fitness. And if you want to click on any of these different types, it goes ahead. There is addiction, beauty, dental health, meditation, men's health. So with all these types of products, I'm going to walk you through different platforms first, especially if you're new to it, and you'll start giving other people ideas about products that you Can be promoted. So for example, if we say you're aninfluencer on Instagram or you have a small following of 1000 people. 

And if you're wondering how to make a product, it can be a digital product in place of health and fitness. If it says you are a bodybuilder and you want the people behind you to be nice, naked, and get those six pack abs and stay cut in the summer then this could be a physical product. Well, whatever. So we say you want to sell protein powder. You can refer to people who buy protein powder on Amazon, where again, you get a commission whenever people buy goods on Amazon. And the good news here is that Amazon pays you, not based on what you cite, but on the person's total checkout. So if you've ever shopped on Amazon, you'll know that Amazon has "things that people who bought it did." So they have this kind of cross sales and up sales. And they will pay you a commission, referral fee based on the total cost of the checkout. So why affiliate marketing? And that's exactly what I fell in love with affiliate marketing. 

The first market I was in, you heard me talk about it was the war of the world gamers, this was the point at the time when I made a short list of emails and I read this ebook Who sold the e-book to World Warcraft. There were two products, how to level up quickly and how to make gold in World Warcraft. I've never played this game, you can't understand it. But that's what got me into the world of affiliate marketing. I developed these two products and started earning money from them. And I've never looked back since. If you're wondering, what about these people? Affiliate marketing is a great way if you're wondering, "If I'm in the market, is it more based on service?" "What if I'm in a travel niche? Whichever market you are in, one of the best ways is to go to Google, type in the niche you enter. So for example, the word travel  affiliate program . So if I were to type travel affiliate program , a quick research would show that, for example, hostel affiliate program. For every $ 200 booking you get a commission rate of 5% which you get 10% in commissions, right? 

Booking.com is fine, booking.com is fine. So there are all kinds of programs and chances are, you must have used booking.com or egoda.com. And you can see from the page here, so whatever it is, if you refer people to hotels or flight books, you no longer have to bring up products or services. All you are doing is referring people who buy things on these platforms and whenever they sell, these platforms will pay you a commission. So what if you're in trading? What if you were in forex, stocks or something like that? Same thing here, what I did was quick research. Typed in "Forex Affiliate Program" and I can see that there are all these different platforms where they pay you a commission, $ 1,000, $ 600, $ 800, $ 1,000, $ 600, pay 800 Whenever you open a forex or trading account, where they can have a recurring share, it means that every time they trade, whenever they make money, they give you even one percent of it. I am no longer a forex trader, there are many platforms out there that will pay you commissions and even if you keep people, keep trading on the platform. So what does that mean? Now that we've established how affiliate marketing works, and why it's important, it helps you overcome the problem of product creation, completion, and shipping. Let's talk about the big picture, how it works and how we can start using it from a bigger picture point of view. 

So just imagine, the different platforms we've talked about are, for example, Amazon for physical products, it could be a digital product for Click Bank, if we say it's on a service. More than just a basic thing, let's say it's like Agoda or Tripodsizer, or let's say it's a specific software. Again, I showed you different trading platforms, okay. There are a lot of software out there now, not just for business, but for internet marketing that I use. We will talk more about them. But these are two platforms, right? So these platforms, whether they be physical products, digital products, services or software, will pay you a commission whenever you refer people who buy goods on this platform. The question is, how can we start sending people more than the use of affiliate marketing? And how do we really build a business that might start with a side income from which you may not know 100 a day, but eventually it becomes like a full time thing, a real profession, a real business? 

Is. So to get started with this, then we need to understand its mechanics, how it works, how it keeps track. So if I adapt to these platforms and if I want to sign up as an affiliate, they will give me an affiliate link. Now what the affiliate link is is a code, a link that is unique to me that no one in the world has. Let's take for example, let's say if I went to the clinic for healthcare. So I just logged in to my Click Bank account. You can create one for free and you will see that whenever I go to different categories, there are all different products. Now on this video, we are going to take a big picture before diving into the small details. But any of these platforms will enable me to get an affiliate link. So we say I want to promote this product of diabetes. 

Now, I'm not going to go into the good part of a well-selling product for the purpose of this video context. If I want to promote a product I just need to promote, I will type the username of my account, I will create a link. And you will see that this link given to me by Click Bank is unique to me. Now no one in the world has this link except me. This way the click bank can be tracked to know that I am the person who is referring to this sale and if someone buys on my link I should acknowledge this sale. If I took this link and I put it in the browser. 

Let me just copy this link. Okay, let me just copy this link, put it in the browser. Okay, let's see what happens. So note that this takes me to a web page, which is free from diabetes. And now a video is loaded and once after the sales video location, I'm guessing there will be a "Buy Now" button that will appear and if someone buys, the clinic will credit me for that sale. ۔ The same goes for Amazon. Right now watching this sales video, just a quick side note, I don't know if this thing has legal status. I stay away from these types of medical supplies because it is especially diabetic. And because of the lack of a better word, many Dutch bag marketers don't know what they're doing. So you want to make sure you work consistently, right? But again, this is how affiliate marketing works. Similarly here, I can go to Amazon, sign up for an Amazon Associates account. Amazon will give me a link. And this link is unique to me, whenever I send it to people, Amazon can track that I'm referring to sales. 

This is from the big picture view, how it works. So let's talk about it, how do you increase your income from it? So if you know this is the big picture, how are you going to turn it into a business? You can turn this into a business by adding a step before it. You see, it was created by the first people. The first mistake people make is taking this link, and then sending it directly to these platforms. If you want to understand the next mistake that most people make, doesn't it? Do you know what this move is? That's what you need to know when you need the next video touch. That's what affiliate marketing is all about, and that's how it works. Now in terms of setup, again, we're going deeper. You want to make sure that first of all, Make sure you subscribe to the blog. when we leave the next one. Make sure you tell me in the comments below what your biggest option is and we'll make more videos based on your wishes. This is Anwaar ali and I will see you in the next post.

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